Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mama Monday #23

Theme: Tumble

Meet "Teddy". Sweetie's playmate and sleepmate since infancy. He's very well loved, wouldn't you say?

Sweetie and Teddy have many adventures together. Holding tea parties, riding on the "bus", tumbling around on the floor doing acrobatic twists and turns. Whatever Sweetie wants to do, Teddy is right there as an accomplice and friend.

Just the other night, for the first time ever, Sweetie had to go to bed without Teddy. He was missing. I mean - he was totally gone.

Many times, Hubby will take Sweetie up to bed and call down to me within a minute's time, asking me to find Teddy for her. But this time, when I went to look, he was nowhere to be found. We even let Sweetie get out of bed to help us search. Still, nothing. We ultimately had to have her find a new friend to sleep with. Bunny was going to have to cut it because, apparently, Teddy decided to take a vacation. Hopefully, we told her, he'd come back before she woke up in the morning and he'd tell her all about his trip.

Well, I did ultimately find him, hours later, on a bottom shelf in my closet, as if he had tumbled off my hope chest and landed in a heap. Oh yeah, Sweetie was in here with me early this morning. Obviously, Teddy felt like hanging out amongst my clothes all day long.

We placed Teddy next to the sleeping Sweetie and she was happy to find him with her in the morning. Yay! Teddy came back!

Now, don't tell Sweetie, but there are actually three different Teddy's in her life. One at our house, one at Nana and Papa Dave's and one at Grammy and Grampy's. Ours and Nana's look very similar - very loved, very rough and tumble. Grammy's, though, still looks pretty new. Unfortunately, we don't get over to their house as much as to my parents'. So, whenever we do visit them, we end up telling Sweetie something about how nice it is that Teddy gets to take a bath in the washer and tumble in the dryer whenever he visits Grammy and Grampy. He always looks so clean and fresh!

I wonder when Sweetie will finally realize these are all separate Teddy's and not just her one flying from place to place to meet us wherever we go. How long can we keep up this fantasy?

I don't know. But I have a feeling that at least one of her Teddy's will be with her for a lifetime - comforting her when she's sad, laughing with her when she's happy, and picking her up when she tumbles down a step or two.

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