Monday, July 03, 2006

Mama Monday # 20

Theme: Treat

My Hubby and I, when we were dating, would treat ourselves all the time. To movies, to dinners, to daytrip adventures and even an exciting vacation to France (The English Channel Coast and April in Paris - I'll never forget it!).

As young marrieds, we still enjoyed some treats - weekly lunch dates and the occasional night out, spa trips for massages, long weekends to relaxing Bed & Breakfast establishments. What a life!

Now it seems just about the only thing we're "treated" to (especially this last week or two) is whiney, stubborn, demanding cries from our oh-so-adorable (can you hear the sarcasm dripping?) 3 1/2 year old daughter.

Whenever she sees something on T.V. or in a catalogue that she likes, she feels she should be treated to it,

We need to buy that thing, Mommy.

Oh we do, do we? I don't think so.

YES! We DO think so!

Oh, the fun we're having with our little one.

No, but really. She is a treat - most of the time.

We may not have the finances to go out to eat, get massages or take extravagant vacations (our cruise this fall will be our first real vacation in years - and we got a pretty good deal on it. Yay!). But having our Sweetie is worth it. For all the fussing, whining and bratty behavior she's so effortlessly able to dole out, she's equally good at snuggling, loving and behaving politely.

Last night my husband declared that he's going to actively make time each week to focus more on me and Sweetie. He's going to make a concerted effort to be a better husband and daddy.

When I told Sweetie about this, she said,

He's already the best Daddy ever.

And I happen to agree. But, isn't that so sweet?

Now, I wonder if I'll ever get treated to such glowing accolades anytime soon. Until then, I'll happily accept my own special nightly treats from her of a hug, a kiss and a nose.

Motherhood - what a treat!

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