Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Books, Books, Books!

For book club this month we're reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I only have the very last chapter left to read, which I'll do before bed tonight. I've LOVED this book and have been fascinated with all its twists and turns. Yet my mom and aunt, who've both just read it, say that, even with only one chapter left, I've still got a lot to discover. Wow!

One of the next books I'm going to suggest we read in book club is The Other Mother by Gwendolen Gross. I started this novel several months ago, but I'm such a slow reader that I couldn't commit to reading two books at once (one as my own selection, the other for book club). Anyway, I really am intrigued by this one. It's the story of two neighbors - one a stay at home mom, and one who works out of the home. Their stories are told alternately in the first person, and the reader gets a very interesting look into how each mom views both her own family choices and those of her neighbor. I'm sure it will be a perfect discussion book for our mom-filled book club.

Then, on a much lighter note, I've recently finished Confessions of a Prep School Mommy Handler: A Memoir by Wade Rouse. This one was a light, fast read that I was easily able to read for pleasure at the same time as I read another book club pick. I liked this book well enough, but I must make my own confession: I felt that Mr. Rouse's writing style was no better or worse than my own. Which is to say, while I do feel I write well, I don't feel I'm talented enough to get a book published. Likewise, I'm surprised Rouse found an editor and publishing house willing to publish his work. I don't know. Maybe it was just the fru fru/unbelievable-yet-true characters and events captured within his story. Still, if you want a fun, light beach read, this may be a good choice for you.

Now it's your turn. What are some of your all time favorite books? What are you currently reading? What new titles are you looking forward to? (Me? I personally cannot wait until February 19th when Schuyler's Monster comes out! Go, Rob! Yet another book I'm putting on my book club recommended reading list.)

Come on - let me have it! Tell me what books I and/or my book club absolutely MUST read.


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