Monday, September 08, 2008

Mama Monday #39.1

Theme: Schedule

Yep - right on schedule.... not even 2 full weeks into the school year and Sweetie has already caught her first big cold. Poor thing - she hasn't been sick since last winter. Last night she was lying on our couch, all decked out on our couch with her bed pillow, sleeping friends and blanket, completely pitiful. Not even laughing at the funny AFV videos. I seriously wondered if I'd send her to school or not today.

I gave her nighttime cold medicine, took her to bed, and fully expected at least one visit from her in the middle of the night.

Then - nothing. I didn't see her again until 7:00 a.m. on the dot.

How are you, Sweetie?


Really? You feel okay?



She was no longer warm to the touch, and she was in a subdued-yet-chipper mood. Okay! Here's your daytime cold medicine, some travel tissues, and away you go! Have a great day at school!

This will be Sweetie's first full week of school. What with an end of the week school year start, then a Monday holiday, today marks the first Monday she's had to go. Art or Music is on her schedule for Mondays, with the other one scheduled for the alternate week. 

Her day goes by so fast in my estimation. Drop her off for 8:05 a.m, pick her up at 10:50 a.m. Yet they manage to have circle time, table work, snack, free choice, and recess. Plus either P.E., Art or Music on various days of the week. I'm amazed they get so much in. But one thing's for sure - Sweetie really loves it! 

And of course, my not-very-scheduled lifestyle has had to adjust to Sweetie's school. Sure, she's always arrived at my bedroom door by 7:00 a.m. or so, but over the summer I was able to eke out another 20 or 30 minutes of rest by letting Sweetie quietly watch one PBS show on our upstairs T.V. But now? Nope. We both have no choice but to set the alarm (just in case) and get up and dressed early in the day.

Not to mention Hubby's work vacation over the last 2 weeks. His being home with me, while Sweetie is away at school, is completely strange. But very nice, too. Like this is the way life should be - working from home, accessible to Sweetie's needs, and free to run errands or participate in fun family outings at the drop of a hat. This is one schedule I can - and have - totally get on board with!

Alas, Hubby will be starting back to work by the end of this week. Another change to our schedule. Something new to get used to. How will I spend my mornings with no one but myself to contend with?

I don't know, but I best not take too long to figure out my mornings' plan. Cuz before I know it, it's time to pick Sweetie up from her "long" day at school.

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