Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mama Monday #36

Theme: Scary

Warning - be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.

Not 30 minutes after I finished writing this post about my boring life, Sweetie took a scary tumble from halfway down our wooden staircase - about 6 stairs.

She's okay. She just has a small scratch behind her right ear. But, boy!, were she and I both scared! Hubby was home by this point, but he had just gone outside to gather firewood. I was screaming my head off for him, but he didn't hear. Thank goodness Sweetie wasn't seriously hurt! By the time Hubby was back in the house, just a couple minutes later, Sweetie, still crying and scared, was nonetheless calm enough to talk to us and figure out that she wasn't so badly hurt after all.

Also - I'm so totally proud of her! Within minutes Sweetie was much calmer, able to tell us what happened, (I was right there, in the middle. My shoes were too slippy). And then? She picked herself up and headed right back up the full flight of stairs so that she could try again.

When she successfully made it down that time, she was so happy with herself. I did it!, she exclaimed.

Yep, you sure did, Sweetie. Way to get right back on the horse! Just please - pretty please - hold tight onto those reins (or railing, as the case may be) when you get there? My poor heart can't take that much of a scare again.

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